
A bird’s eye view of the world , a journey through Chinese landscapes, urban settings, glass elevators, Tibetan scenes, mountain lakes, Japanese undergrounds… Kinematic Pills, series of concatenated pictures, slowness and velocity, images and sounds.

Kinematic Pills is a video-concert.

Woodland quintet

  • Soprano and Alto sax: Stanislao Lesnoj
  • Drums, objects and electronics: SmZ
  • Tenor Sax: Paolo Porta
  • Guitar: Pietro Ballestrero
  • Double bass: Federico Bosia
  • Video: Guido Prestigiovanni


A glance on the world, on landscapes, on children, on highways, on lifts, on faces, on lakes, on subways…The kinematic tablets are connected shoots where slowness and speed, images and sounds come together. Kinematic Pills is a video-concert. The music is especially composed and arranged for Guido Prestigiamo’s videos. Five musicians are on the stage, the images are all around. The musical language is varied and ranges from electronic music to “Nordic” European jazz, from Hip- Hop to Rock and ethnic music. 

Kinematic Pills is a project by Stanislao Lesnoj and Guido Prestigiovanni.

An example of how different musical styles can, through images, create a new synthesis, taking the viewer/spectator to far away lands.

 Compositions by Stanislao Lesnoj and Federico Bosia.